Technology is a general term that encompasses a wide variety of human activities and inventions. This is a constantly changing field, which includes both the physical sciences and the social sciences. Technological systems are developed over time and involve complex interactions among people and their organizations. The word technology comes from the Greek term, which means ‘to devise.’ Technologies are the total sum of any such techniques, practices, procedures, and systems utilized in the creation of various goods and services or in the achievement of specific goals, including scientific research.
Technologies can be categorized into three broad categories: physical sciences, social sciences, and cognitive sciences. Physical sciences typically deal with matter and energy, while social sciences generally deal with mind and consciousness. Cognitive sciences deal with verbal descriptions, rational arguments, and technological forms. Although each of these broad categories of technologies has its own characteristics and limitations, they are all part of the larger field of technologies known as technologies. Within the broad classification of technologies are a number of smaller divisions and sub-divisions, which are described below.
One of the most important sub-divisions of technologies is technology related disciplines. Examples include electrical and electronics engineering, biomedical engineering, information technology, and mechanical engineering. These fields all play an important role in modern technology and in society at large, contributing to a variety of different technologies. In addition, there are sub-divisions within these disciplines that deal more with particular technologies or areas of technology.
One of the largest concentrations of technological activity occurs in the world of communications technology. One of the most dominant forms of communications technology is telecommunication. Telecommunication includes both traditional landline telephone communications and newer technologies, such as digital wireless communication. Another type of communications technology is represented by fax machines and modems. In order to send information from one end of the world to another, it must first go through one or more networks. Examples of such networks include satellite, cable, wireless broadband internet, cellular, and other information transmission systems.
There are also a number of different categories that represent different types of digital technologies. For instance, digital technologies can be used for either positive environmental purposes, such as by conserving energy, or negative environmental purposes, such as by polluting the environment. Another example of digital technologies is machine learning, which refers to technologies that allow machines to learn how to perform tasks, as well as provide information or processes that help humans interact more effectively and efficiently. Additionally, there are technologies that have both positive environmental and negative environmental effects, such as genetic engineering, and systems that facilitate or create better consumer experiences, such as driver safety features in new vehicles.
The last section of this article looks at three different examples of analytical technologies. The first one is schizology, which refers to the study of technology. The second is technophobia, defined as a general anxiety about, or an inability to use, technological devices or hi-tech gadgets. Finally, the third category is technocognition, which includes both an awareness and an ability to use new technologies, as well as an attitude toward technological change that perceives emerging technologies as threatening or advantageous. Based on previous discussions in this series, it is clear that there are at least three main categories of techne that exist today, with many variations across categories.