The word “technologies” is the combination of two words that have a very interesting meaning. Technologies are the sum total of any human techniques, skills, processes, or methods used in the creation of products or services and in the achievement of specific goals, for example scientific research. Technological systems have developed over time. The specific techniques that developed through various historical periods are grouped together in what is called a technology base. Technological systems thus have many different elements which are rooted in human activity and which themselves develop through interaction with other technologies.
Technological systems have developed through human interaction over time and in the 20th century we have seen a major expansion and development of those that are not yet applied to all people. One of the most important technological systems to emerge during the 20th century was the electrical machine. In the industrial age, factories began to be built in order to create and manufacture products such as food, clothes, metal, and even automobiles. A new industrial revolution had begun.
Throughout the industrial era, new types of machines and tools emerged as a result of advances in human productivity. The emergence of industrial arts and crafts however, also contributed to the industrial revolution by giving humanity an opportunity to creatively express itself. Industrial arts and crafts not only gave individuals and groups the opportunity to create new works of art but they also gave humans an opportunity to overcome the limitations of the tools that they used. For example, as the industrial era approached its close, automobiles became more capable of traveling over longer distances without using fuel.
Throughout the early part of the 20th century, there was very little that the human mind could do in terms of creating new concepts or new forms of entertainment. This was not until the advent of advanced medical technology. In fact, it may be argued that the rise of medical technology represents the beginning of the modern technology era. Improvements in modern technology not only allowed humans to properly diagnose and treat diseases, but they also gave them the opportunity to extend their knowledge of the physical body and the mind by developing new, more extensive means of communication.
As the 20th century wore on, the world’s population continued to grow. As a result, urbanization and a resulting increase in industrialization brought an increase in the demand for new tools and technologies as well. This process of globalization continues to this day with most industries being highly dependent on modern technology and the methods that surround it. The growth of information technology and the associated technologies has played a large role in this globalization process.
When it comes to communications technology, the 21st century will likely be remembered for the vast improvements that have been made in wireless communication technology. Wireless technology allows people and devices to communicate across great distances. The internet and wireless technology are the two most widely used forms of communications technology today. Additionally, the advent of nuclear power and the explosion of the Information Technology industry has also greatly influenced the way we communicate with one another. This highly interconnected world has created an enormous amount of opportunities for humanity, providing us with a vast number of possibilities for the future.